My Chains Are Gone
My chief desire in all my writings, is to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ and make Him beautiful and glorious in the eyes of people; and to promote the increase of repentance, faith, and holiness upon earth - J. C. Ryle (1816-1900)

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Cape Breton

Come one and all from distant shore, and step in through Cape Breton’s door: beyond the steelyards, black coal mines, grow green valleys and mountain pines; where highway gray meets ocean blue and purple lupines wave at you. Time itself stops for “tea” and lunch;…

Childhood Memories

When childhood trust is damaged, pain sheds a bitter tear; too often we search darkly through our memories, unclear. Recalling with hostile vengeance, childhood pain or abuse, we’re tempted to reject – despise, God’s gift: the healing truce. Will we give Satan what he craves…

Children's Hope

children sigh children cry draw them nigh give them hope Jesus Would Jesus Could Always Good Gives Us Hope children hear children fear bring them near give them hope Jesus Does Just Because Jesus Loves Gives Us Hope children bleed children plead we must heed…

Clothes Of Glory

From gold made pure by long-suffering, weaved with silver refined by our tears, are sewn our Clothes Of Glory; kept hidden until finished at the end of all our years. Created by the Master Tailor for the Greatest Day in all of time: His stitches…