My Chains Are Gone
My chief desire in all my writings, is to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ and make Him beautiful and glorious in the eyes of people; and to promote the increase of repentance, faith, and holiness upon earth - J. C. Ryle (1816-1900)

Songbirds & Rosebuds

As do songbirds,
children come to us for just awhile
and we thrill to hear each sweet song;
as do rosebuds, little ones need time and more
to blossom beautiful and strong.

This is why we fear the dark and dreadful days,
when our songbirds are silenced; it’s why we weep
when winter comes too soon, or too long stays:
for we bitter learn, only in our hearts
can we hear our songbirds sing again,
only in our hearts shall winter’s rosebuds
bloom again in Spring.

Look up!
Look up into the heavens!
Our songbirds are singing now
for angelic ears; our winter’s rosebuds
are blooming in Heaven’s gardens,
far above life’s pain and tears.

Trust God!
We’ll again hold our beloved rosebuds
and everywhere hear our songbird’s song.
Our Father promised to restore our losses.
God’s Son shall overcome all wrong.

Even as we weep,
look to that most glorious day
when our songbirds and rosebuds
welcome us home.

Songbirds & Rosebuds – Copyright 2015 –


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