My Chains Are Gone
My chief desire in all my writings, is to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ and make Him beautiful and glorious in the eyes of people; and to promote the increase of repentance, faith, and holiness upon earth - J. C. Ryle (1816-1900)

Far Greater Still

What is WONDER? How from tiny acorns mighty oaks
grow to withstand wind’s harshest blows?
Far greater still…from human seed sprang Israel
and promise of the Sharon Rose.

What is AWE? To look up and see how pale moon
and twinkle stars gift us with their light?
Far greater still…to hear and see ‘the midnight clear’
when angels sang Oh Holy Night.

What is LOVE? That which soothes a broken heart
and lifts us up to brave a brand new start?
Far greater still…what GOD gave when His Son died,
crucified, to fulfill our part.

What is PEACE? Freedom, protection and justice
even for man’s least deserving ward?
Far greater still…to gladly suffer anything
if it would please our SAVIOUR LORD.

What are BLESSINGS? Answers to our prayers: Health? Wealth?
Greatness? Obstacles moved that we can’t?
Far greater still…at end of day to hear JESUS say,
“Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Far Greater Still – Copyright 2003 –


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