My Chains Are Gone
My chief desire in all my writings, is to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ and make Him beautiful and glorious in the eyes of people; and to promote the increase of repentance, faith, and holiness upon earth - J. C. Ryle (1816-1900)

Evil Among Us

In disguise Evil slithers among us
hunting souls to feed his unfilled lust;
masked in flesh of every kind and shade:
no nation exempt, no gender preferred,
no race excluded: all mankind has served.

Calculating, Evil glances around,
swiftly surrounding the victim he’s found;
seeking human sin and flourishing there:
no nation exempt, no gender preferred,
no race excluded: no trespass deferred.

Shrewdly, Evil offers fortune and fame;
charming man’s vanity, promising gain;
coaxing souls on with assurance of wealth:
no nation exempt, no gender preferred,
no race excluded: all souls can be lured.

Some souls, taunted to bitter vengeful hate,
Evil mocks and scorns ’til rage seals their fate.
Most vulnerable? The pride-hardened heart:
no nation exempt, no gender preferred,
no race excluded: much prey is secured.

Others are tempted to indulge their flesh,
seduced by Evil’s permissive caress,
slyly enticed into shameful embrace:
no nation exempt, no gender preferred,
no race excluded: countless now censured.

On earth ‘free will’ is fearfully engaged;
battles are lost to lust, ego and rage;
Evil seeks souls to enslave until death:
no nation exempt, no gender preferred,
no race excluded: no captives preserved.

Evil is nourished by greed, lewdness, hate;
lovers of darkness overflow his vile plate;
haters of truth are served up at this feast:
no nation exempt, no gender preferred,
no race excluded: Hell’s hunger is stirred!

All the while people judge one another;
blind to our own faults we blame the other
and sicken and die from such arrogance:
no nation exempt, no gender preferred,
no raced excluded: who then can be cured?

All sin feeds Evil: our sins are much prized.
What? Have all sinners like animals died?
No! There is a Way to escape death’s grip:
no nation exempt, no gender preferred,
no race excluded: The Way is God’s Word.

The Word? It’s YESHUA! The Way? God’s Son
Who battled death for God’s people and won!
Blessed Redeemer and Saviour for all:
no nation exempt, no gender preferred,
no race excluded: May all praise THE LORD!

Evil Among Us – Copyright © 1998


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